Corporate Clients

Experienced in handling more than 2,000 companies, agencies, or other legal entities per year with more than 500,000 prospective employees, employees, and employees' families..

Integrated Healthcare System

Having the largest number of branches in Indonesia, with 263 outlets spread across 128 cities and 34 provinces.

Data Quality and Security Assurance (High-Quality Services)

The only clinical laboratory accredited by CAP; the first clinical laboratory to obtain ISO 18000 OHSAS, ISO 9001, and ISO 15189 certifications; the first healthcare service provider to obtain ISO 27001 certification for information security.


3,600 professionals comprised more than 250 HIPERKES-certified doctors, specialist physicians, genetic counselors, and 1,200 paramedics.

Latest Technology

The only healthcare service provider that has laboratory facilities digitally integrated with a special website for corporate customers and the latest diagnostic technology.

Our Services

Medical Checkup Services

Providing medical checkup services for prospective employees, employees, employees' families, and prospective students with regular and special laboratory examinations, radiodiagnostics (such as Radiographic Testing, echocardiography, dental X-rays, and USG), ETT, spirometry, audiometry, and ECG.

Vaccination Services

Providing influenza, hepatitis, typhoid, and other vaccines as needed.

Medical Assistance Services

Providing personal assistants for company employees in obtaining healthcare services at Prodia or our service network.

Mental Health Services

Providing Stress Diagnostic Surveys (SDS) to find out sources of stress in the workplace. An MMPI test for employee placement assessment and psychologist and psychiatrist services to maintain employee mental health.

Occupation-Based Healthcare Services

Providing workplace risk management, occupational physicians' analysis reports, workplace risk-based medical checkup, and a medical checkup database application.

Teleconsulting Services

Providing virtual consultations accessible by employees anywhere and anytime.

Specialist Physician Services

Providing consultations with doctors specializing in occupational health, sports, clinical nutrition, internal medicine, heart, ENT, radiology, clinical pathology, and anatomical pathology, and with genetic counselors according to customer needs.

Voucher Services

Providing vouchers for tests that customers can use to reward clients. We also work with providers of vouchers that can be used as a means of payment for examinations at Prodia.
